Hi…I am Jamila Crawford, Registered Dietitian & owner of Fit In Health ®

I help people realize their best lives through research- & trauma-informed, nutrition education & counseling, movement, & meditation experiences.

In a society where we are beginning to consider the whole instead of just parts of a person, in every person, I help individuals & groups adequately modify their health-related maladaptive behaviors to heal & thrive.

P.S. — I am a foster-care alumna & 20-year advocate of health & fitness.


  • Master of Science in Nutrition and Exercise Physiology (Teachers College, Columbia University)

  • Registered Dietitian & Nutritionist

  • NYS Certified Dietitian & Nutritionist

  • Certified Yoga Teacher

  • Certified Personal Trainer

  • Pre & Post Natal Specialist

  • Corrective Exercise Specialist

  • Cardio Performance Enhancement Specialist



Empower individuals to reach their full potential by increasing access of innovative & high-quality wellness services that improve health outcomes & quality of life through personalized & tailored, holistic wellness programs that support the physical, mental, & emotional well-being of diverse individuals.

  • Autonomy

  • Empowerment

  • Health is a lifestyle

  • Wholesome ingredients, gentle movement, & deep breathing

  • Body size does NOT determine health status, but behaviors do

  • Positive psychology, empathy, compassion & mental health

  • Western science & Eastern traditions

  • When we are Fit In Health ® , we are fit in life

Beliefs & Values

Guiding Priniciples:




[Jamila’s] dedication, thorough knowledge, consistent motivation, [&] sincere care for her clients is unprecedented." -Ila G.